Dr Lise Lewis
Motivations for research - a panel discussion with Dr. Lise Lewis and research competition winners 2023
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Dr Lise Lewis Formerly EMCC Global President (2011-2017), Lise now supports and promotes the work of EMCC Global as a Special Ambassador. Lise is an EMCC Global Individual Accredited Coach/Mentor (EIA) at Master Practitioner level and is an EMCC Global Individual Coach/Mentor Supervisor (ESIA). Her coach/mentor and coach/mentor supervisor training programmes are also accredited by EMCC Global (EQA and ESQA with integrated EIA and ESIA personal accreditations). Lise practices globally and regularly contributes pro bono coaching and supervision to international projects and was delighted to be a Winner of the 2019 EMCC Global Supervision Award. Following the successful publication of her book; Relational Feedback: Why Feedback Fails and How to Make it Meaningful, Lise is invited to write a second book showcasing Organisational Feedback Case Studies - let her know if you have a story to tell! Lise loves family time, regular exercise especially with her dog Charlie and socialising with friends